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Aquaguard Enhance UV + UF

Experience the most efficient water solution with Enhance UV+UF. The reliable water purifier does not just give you pure drinking water, but also ensures that the water you drink is crystal clear with no bacteria, virus, protozoa or other new age contamin



11999 /- 12999/-





Experience the most efficient water solution with Enhance UV+UF. The reliable water purifier does not just give you pure drinking water, but also ensures that the water you drink is crystal clear with no bacteria, virus, protozoa or other new age contaminants. i-FilterTM removes suspended particles from the water. Miracle cartridge removes heavy metals. Ultra filter protects you from bacteriological contamination. Taste Enhancer Cartridge cleans the water, making it pure and safe. BiotronTM Cartridge breaks down the water molecules so you can absorb them easily. i-FilterTM Removes fine suspended particles such as dust, dirt mud and sand from water. Miracle Cartridge Removes heavy metals from water. Chemi-Block Reduces excess chlorine and organic impurities. Also adsorbs bad taste and odour from the water. Ultra Filter Capillary tube type membrane-based technology that imparts crystal clear clarity to drinking water in addition to making the water safe from bacteriological contamination. Mineral GuardTM The technology retains essential minerals like calcium and magnesium naturally present in water, which ordinary water purifiers deplete, giving you healthy water. UV Chamber UV disinfects the water by eliminating waterborne diseases- causing bacteria, viruses and protozoa, thereby making it safe to drink. Taste Enhance Cartridge Removes residual organic impurities and enhances the original taste of water. The carbon polishes the water, giving it a sparkling look, making it pure and great to taste. BiotronTM The cutting edge BiotronTM Technology de-clusters water molecules, thereby making the water more “bio-available”. By unlocking the nutrients in water, it promises you the healthiest water, always. Warranty The goods are warranted against defects arising from faulty designs, workmanship and materials for 12 months from the date of installation or 15 months from the date of sale, whichever is earlier. T&C apply

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