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Pureit Ultima RO + UV with OxyTube

Pureit brings to you an intelligent purifier with the revolutionary Oxyblast technology that not only gives you pure water, but also gives you purified fruits and vegetables.



25490 /- 26490/-





About the Device Pureit brings to you an intelligent purifier with the revolutionary Oxyblast technology that not only gives you pure water, but also gives you purified fruits and vegetables. Removes Chemicals and Pesticides on Fruits and Vegetables Pureit Ultima RO + UV with OxyTube uses the Oxyblast technology to remove chemicals and pesticides from the surface of fruits and vegetables making it safer and healthier. Unique Intelligent indicator Unique Intelligent Indicator indicates the life of cartridge whereas Digital Advance Alert System only alerts the customer before service is due.

Industrial RO Service: 0124-4110400 Customer Support: 99532 29944

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